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Arrow Exterminators Blog


July 16, 2024

How To Prevent a Fruit Fly Frenzy in Your Home

Are tiny black dots taking over your kitchen? If this is the case, you may be dealing with a fruit fly infestation. Discover some of the best DIY fruit fly traps and tips for preventing a faceoff with these fruit-loving fiends in the future.

1. Vinegar & Dish Soap

One of the easiest and most effective ways to eliminate fruit flies is to make a vinegar and dish soap solution. To create this tried-and-true concoction, mix ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a small bowl or jar and set it out in the infested area.

This trap works so well because the scent of the apple cider vinegar lures the fruit flies in, and the dish soap changes the surface tension to trap the flies when they land in the mix. It’s important to note that while you can substitute white vinegar for apple cider vinegar, it is likely to be less effective, as the white vinegar scent isn’t as sweet and more pungent. 

2. Plastic-Wrapped Fruit Bowl

It’s easy to turn a fruit bowl that the flies are already fond of into a DIY trap. Simply leave a piece or two of overripe fruit in the bottom of the bowl and cover the opening with a layer of plastic wrap. After securing it in place with a rubber band, poke some tiny holes in the plastic wrap with a toothpick or knife tip. This gives the fruit flies access to the alluring fruit but makes it much harder for them to escape. You can create several of these traps and arrange them around the infested area for even more effectiveness.

3. Paper Cone

Give those pesky fruit flies tunnel vision by crafting a paper cone that leads directly to an irresistible piece of fermenting fruit or vinegar. Start by placing either the fruit or vinegar at the bottom of a mason jar or similarly sized cup, then roll a piece of paper into a cone that fits snugly in the opening of your chosen vessel. After verifying it fits, tape the edges to make sure it maintains its shape and cut a small hole at the tip of the cone to create space for fruit flies to enter through. Set the paper cone in the jar and watch the fruit flies collect!

4. Old Wine or Beer

Fruit flies and fermented goods go hand in hand, so it’s no surprise they also love to indulge in wine and beer. It also doesn’t hurt that wine and beer bottles’ long necks are the perfect shape for trapping fruit flies, making it difficult for them to escape. Set out a bottle of either alcohol with a little bit of the expired liquid in the bottom as irresistible bait for the fermentation-loving flies.

Fruit Fly Prevention

Once you’ve successfully removed the fruit flies from your home, try out some of these natural fruit fly repellants and tips for preventing fruit flies from feasting on your fruits in the future.

1. Proper Food Storage

Fruit flies are super tiny, allowing them to sneak into pretty small spaces. Prevent these tiny invaders from feasting by storing your food in tightly sealed containers. You should also store ripened fruits in the fridge until you’re ready to eat them, so fruit flies don’t start snacking on them first.

2. Wash Your Fruits & Veggies

Giving your fruits and veggies a good scrubbing in the sink, regardless of whether they came from the farmer’s market, the grocery store, or your own backyard, is a great way to ensure no fruit fly eggs or larvae enter your home.

3. Harness the Power of Herbs

Fruit flies are attracted to sweet scents and repulsed by sharp ones. Use their noses against them by bringing in fresh herbs like peppermint, lemongrass, basil, or lavender to deter fruit flies from inhabiting your home.

4. Clean Up Spills

Since fruit flies have a powerful sense of smell, they can quickly find even the smallest spills and start multiplying. Promptly cleaning up any spills, especially those involving juice or alcohol, can make a huge impact on reducing the amount of fruit flies that enter your home.

5. Take out the Trash

Emptying your trash can every day is a good practice to prevent a fruit fly infestation. Since your garbage is a mix of all the rotten, juicy, and broken-down food bits throughout the day, it’s like hitting the jackpot for a fruit fly. Making sure you remove this smelly food source and occasionally clean the trash can itself to prevent fruit flies from feeding in your home.

Done with doing DIY’s? Contact us today for help fending off the fruit flies in your home.