These Bugs Live Forever — Almost!
When it comes to bugs, there isn’t an average insect lifespan. While some live for just a few hours, others can live long enough to become teenagers. In the grand scheme of things, insects have fleeting lifespans, but a few defy the odds.
You might be more familiar with the bugs that have these shorter lifespans. Mosquitoes and gnats live for about a week. Houseflies last around 28 days. Mayflies hold the record for the shortest life cycle on Earth, living just 24 hours. For those who dislike bugs, that might sound like good news, but not all insects have short lives.
Instead of living fast and dying young, these insects have figured out the secret to a long life. Get to know these (almost) everlasting critters and keep an eye out — you may run into one in your own lifetime.
Meet the World's Longest Living Bugs
Termite Queens: 50+ Years
The termite queen is the heart of the colony, laying up to 30,000 eggs a day while growing larger over time. Without her, the colony wouldn’t survive. With such an important role, it’s no surprise termite queens hold the title for the longest-living insect, typically living between 25 and 50 years. That’s about 500 times longer than males and 10 times longer than worker termites. Some scientists even believe termite queens can even live up to 100 years!
Queen Ants: 30 Years
Queen ants are the largest members of their colonies and, like termite queens, are responsible for population growth. Male ants live only a few weeks, while worker ants survive for one to three years. But the queen? She can live up to 30 years, ensuring the colony thrives.
Splendor Beetles: 25 - 30 Years
Splendor beetles are an invasive species notorious for damaging oak tree populations. These destructive insects can live for up to 30 years. The silver lining — if there is one — is that they only lay five to six eggs at a time, and it takes two years for one generation to develop.
Cicadas: 17 Years
Cicadas are known for their summer songs, but they should also get an honorable mention for their impressive lifespans — 17 years, to be exact. To be fair, not all species live this long. Annual cicadas live for about four years while periodical cicadas live the longest, spending most of their lives underground.
Tarantulas: 7 - 36 Years
If spiders send chills down your spine, you might not like hearing this, but tarantulas can live a pretty long time. For the common brown tarantula, males live seven to 12 years, while females live up to 36 years in captivity when cared for properly. Their uniquely long lifespan is one reason they’re a top choice for pet owners who love exotic creatures.
Praying Mantises: 1 - 2 Years
While not as long-lived as others on this list, the praying mantis still outlives many other insects. Known for their impressive hunting skills and unique posture, these bugs are helpful predators that play an important role in controlling insect populations. Typically, they survive for about a year in the wild, but in captivity, some species can live up to two years.
Tarantula Hawks: 1 Year
Despite their name, tarantula hawks are not spiders or birds — they’re wasps with one of the most painful stings in the insect world. These colorful wasps have blue and black bodies with bright orange wings. Even with a color palette that sticks out, tarantula hawks can live for up to a year. That’s bad news for tarantulas, who could see their long lifespan get cut short, as tarantula hawks get their name from hunting those large, hairy spiders.
Emperor Scorpions: 6 - 8 Years
As one of the longest-living scorpion species, the emperor scorpion’s lifespan is up to eight years in the wild. These large, glossy black scorpions are often kept as pets due to their relatively docile nature. They rely on their powerful pincers more than their venomous sting when hunting, making them less of a threat to humans. However, if you see an emperor scorpion in the wild, it's best to admire from a distance!
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