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About the Command Center

Arrow Exterminators created the all-season Command Center to provide actionable seasonal home protection and pest prevention information to consumers. Throughout the year, homeowners can receive alerts and check for information regarding how weather patterns and inclement weather may affect home maintenance, pest activity and what can be done to protect the home.

Check back often for updates related to Health, Home Protection, Weather Updates and Service Center Updates.

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Command Center Archives

Bad Reputations: Are Raccoons All That Bad?

Bad Reputations: Are Raccoons All That Bad?

Have you ever heard of the masked bandit who lives in the wild? Well this grayish, brown coated intruder has mastered the art of living amongst humans in urban and suburban environments. Raccoons have often been referred to as cute and cuddly, but do you know the repercussions they can inflict on your home?

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8 Unknown Facts About Our 8 Legged Friends

8 Unknown Facts About Our 8 Legged Friends

With over 43,000 different kinds of spiders in the world, almost 3,000 of these magnificent eight legged arachnids live in the United States! You might be noticing more and more spiders coming out of the darkness… so why not learn some unknown facts about these creepy crawlers?

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Celebrating National Homeownership Month… Pest-Free

Celebrating National Homeownership Month… Pest-Free

Did you know that June is officially named as National Homeownership Month? This month is dedicated to celebrating the American dream of owning your very own household. A great way to celebrate this month is to educate yourself on how to keep your home protected from outside threats. As a homeowner, you should be the first person to know what the best strategies and tips are to keep pesky pests like termites, cockroaches, and wildlife out of your home!

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'Tis The Season For Snakes!

'Tis The Season For Snakes!

Snakes are cold-blooded creatures, so this summer’s high temperatures allows them to be very active. Rain is also another factor that increases snake activity. Snakes are often seen during the day sunbathing and conserving their energy so they can hunt at night. Snakes like to hide under structures such as rocks, concrete slabs, fallen trees, wood piles, and cluttered areas. The main source of food for snakes are rats, mice, birds, frogs, lizards, and bugs, depending on the type of snake.

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Three Pests Wreaking Havoc on Your Health

Three Pests Wreaking Havoc on Your Health

You and your family’s health should be one of your top concerns because there are some pests that pose a threat this spring season. When people think of cockroaches, mice or rats, they don’t necessarily have the nicest thoughts about them, but they may not fully realize the repercussions they can have on their overall health. These pests are already a nuisance, so don’t let them destroy your health too by invading your home.

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Severe Storm Pest Preparedness & Prevention Tips

Severe Storm Pest Preparedness & Prevention Tips

The last thing you want this time of year are unwanted storms coming through your town, but unfortunately expert meteorologists are expecting strong to locally severe thunderstorms across the southern and central plains this spring season.

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Night Crawlers: When You Sleep, They Come Out to Play

Night Crawlers: When You Sleep, They Come Out to Play

Do you ever get the creepy feeling that you are not alone? Your home should be a place where you feel safe and secure, but that does not necessarily mean you do not have little intruders invading your home. During this time and season, different pests like beetles, mosquitoes and centipedes are out in full force ensuring that they have their time to play… especially during the night when you are asleep.

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Termite Awareness Week: Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Home

Termite Awareness Week: Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Home

This sneaky and silent intruder is one pest that you do not want to find in your home. Without proper care, prevention or treatment for your home, you could be kicked out of your own house! The National Pest Management Association estimates that termite damage costs U.S. homeowners over $5 billion each year, which is more than fire and storm damage combined!

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Stop Stink Bug Invasions in Your Home

Stop Stink Bug Invasions in Your Home

Originally only a problem in a few states, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs have now moved into many states across the country and they are spreading rapidly. Fall is the time of year when these pests start seeking shelter inside homes as the temperatures drop. Unfortunately for homeowners, the stink bug invasions will only get worse before they get better as the shorter days and cooler weather will continue to send them indoors. Once inside they will hibernate until warmer weather returns in the spring and they reemerge from their overwintering sites to make their way back outdoors.

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West Nile Virus Prevention Tips

West Nile Virus Prevention Tips

The CDC recently announced that a total of 45 states and the District of Columbia have reported cases of West Nile Virus, and as of August 21, 2018, a total of 231 human cases have been reported. West Nile Virus most commonly spreads to humans through mosquito bites and since there is no vaccine or antiviral treatment available the most effective way to prevent infection is to prevent mosquito bites.

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Top 10 US Cities with the Greatest Risk for Vector Pests

Top 10 US Cities with the Greatest Risk for Vector Pests

Arrow Exterminators is urging homeowners to remain vigilant this summer to take preventative measures to protect themselves against vector pests such as mosquitoes and ticks. Many cities across the US have experienced warm temperatures in combination with high precipitation levels which creates ideal conditions for these potentially dangerous pests to thrive all summer long.

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Take Immediate Precautions to Guard against Potential Tick Bites

Take Immediate Precautions to Guard against Potential Tick Bites

Health officials and pest experts are warning that we can expect an increase in tick populations this year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a concern due to the steady increase in infections from tickborne diseases. Ticks are vectors that can carry infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses and cause human diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Ticks are a year-round threat, however we want to encourage people to be extra vigilant this time of year when ticks are most active. The tick populations are only going to increase over the next few weeks.

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Property Enhancements, Additions and Alterations may Compromise Wood Destroying Organisms and Other Pest Protection

Property Enhancements, Additions and Alterations may Compromise Wood Destroying Organisms and Other Pest Protection

The secretive behavior of termites and other wood destroying organisms make them difficult to detect, even under the best of circumstances. Before undertaking any changes to your home that may cover up portions of the structure that were previously visible for inspection, alert us to ensure that your warranty protection isn’t impacted. Additionally, whenever the footprint of your home changes, contact us to devise a plan to protect the structure before work begins.

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Hurricane Pest Preparedness Tips

Hurricane Pest Preparedness Tips

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, and according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) experts are predicting a 75-percent chance that the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season will be near – or above normal. Hurricanes can cause destructive damage to communities and unfortunately the aftereffects can continue long after the storm has passed, including long-term effects on pest populations.

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Protect Your Family From Mosquito Bites!

Protect Your Family From Mosquito Bites!

Experts are predicting another fierce Mosquito season this year! These potentially dangerous pests are at their peak numbers in the spring and summer months, which is why Arrow Exterminators is encouraging homeowners to take preventative measures now to help reduce mosquito populations in their yards.

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Termites, Nature's Most Costly Pest

Termites, Nature's Most Costly Pest

Termites rank as one of the most destructive intruders that a homeowner can face. Now is the time of year when reproductive termites called swarmers emerge from their existing colonies in large numbers to form a new termite colony. Learn to spot the signs of a termite infestation.

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